20 September 2014

Born Pretty Store Review: Iridescent Acrylic Rhinestones

Hi everyone! I received some new products as a gift from the Born Pretty Store (sort of a thank you present from my rep), including a set of clear acrylic rhinestones. I ended up using them for some simple nail art, so I thought I'd do a review for you!

In addition to having some product photographs, I also compare them to a previous set that I reviewed. I think both sets are nice but there are definite differences between the two.

To get this look:

After I reviewed a few polishes from KBShimmer's new fall line, I thought that they would go nice together in some simple nail art. I used KBShimmer How You Dune? and Flannel Surfing.

Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents
Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents

I started with two coats of How You Dune? on all nails. The reasons are complicated, but basically, the taping is easier if you start with a grey base - for consistency sake I did it on all nails. On my middle two nails I topped them with a quick dry top coat and waited for it to dry.

Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents
Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents

I used straight Nail Vinyls to tape off the centre of the two nails. I picked up two skinny pieces but made sure they stayed together so I had one thick piece. I painted a generous coat of Flannel Surfing. On my other nails I layered two coats of Flannel Surfing over How You Dune?

Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents
Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents

I then fixed the rhinestones with quick dry top coat, and sealed all my nails with a generous coat of top coat.

While this looks really simple, I actually did this twice! The first time my alignment was off and it was very noticeable. So simple doesn't always mean easy!

Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents
Simple taped manicure with rhinestone accents

About These Rhinestones:

The rhinestones I received come in a set with 2mm, 3mm, 4mm and 5mm pieces. They are clear but they have an iridescent/rainbow reflection. Although they are clear acrylic, they resemble the effect of Swarovski rhinestones, although it's still possible to tell that they are acrylic and not crystal.

Iridescent Acrylic Rhinestones
Iridescent Acrylic Rhinestones

A Comparison:

Last year I reviewed this set of clear rhinestones. They are very similar to the current set with two main differences. First, in the older set, the rhinestones are completely clear with no iridescent effect. Second, you get less rhinestones in this current set, but you get much larger pieces - 4mm and 5mm ones.

Left: Iridescent acrylic rhinestones reviewed here;  Right: Clear rhinestones reviewed earlier

Left: Iridescent acrylic rhinestones reviewed here;  Right: Clear rhinestones reviewed earlier

My Thoughts:

Personally I like the quality of this new set, however, I have no need for the larger pieces. As you can see from my current mani, I'm not into using lots of rhinestones to do nail art, I like using them more sparingly as an accent.

However, the rainbow effect is very nice and makes them look like they are better quality. It's not an "in your face" rainbow effect like some of the photos I've seen, but it is noticeable.


You can find these rhinestones here, they retail for $3.35, and you get free shipping. You can also use my coupon code MSL91 to get 10% off. And because so many of you have used my coupon code, the Born Pretty Store will be sponsoring a giveaway that I'll announce soon!

What do you think of these rhinestone? Do you have any need for clear nail art rhinestones?

*Product was provided as a gift, all opinions are my own. See my disclosure policy for more details.*


  1. These are pretty! I like how simple they are but they look so good.

    1. Thank you Lisa! I do enjoy more simple looks every now and then. :)

  2. Your mani is so pretty. I like those two KB Shimmer polishes and will most likely get them. The way you used them is perfect! I like to use rhinestones / gems on some manis - I always feel the mani is special because of them. I also prefer the smaller pieces. Thank you for the beautiful photos!

    1. Thanks for the nice comment! :) The KBShimmer polishes are great, I was lucky to receive them, because I had my eye on them when I first saw the collection. And I definitely recommend the rhinestones. They are still very affordable, even if you are not using the larger pieces as much.

  3. wooow so cool *o* I love this nail polish!

  4. This is gorgeous! I love the nail art creations you come up with!

  5. I keep buying this kind of stones and then never use them. I have to get better on doing so becuase used like this they look great.


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