16 September 2014

31 Day Nail Art Challenge 2.0: Day Five, Black and White

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that the Digit-al Dozen giveaway is still going on! There's tons of prizes and it's open internationally!!

Kelli, Lindsey and I are continuing with the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge 2.0. I felt immense pressure to do something spectacular for today. Last year I did what was one of my most favourite designs. I love it so much that it made my list of top nail art designs for 2013, and I still use it for my Facebook and Twitter pages.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art
Black and white intricate abstract nail art

About this design: 

I had a lot of ideas for today, some of which were not really feasible at my skill level - the high realism portrait of Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise will have to wait. Lol! Luckily I found this design by Irish artist/designer Vasare Nar. His work is really cool if you're looking for inspiration. It reminds me a lot of my intricate design from last year, but much more dynamic.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art
Black and white intricate abstract nail art

To get this look:

I painted this freehand using a base of Cult Nails Tempest, then sealed with a quick dry top coat. The lines were painted with black acrylic paint.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art
Black and white intricate abstract nail art

I painted the thick lines first, which kind of provided a structure for the whole design. Then divided it up into smaller sections. When that was done I had something similar to stained glass nails, with some larger and some smaller sections, but very irregular.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art
Black and white intricate abstract nail art

Then I finished by filling each section with a different abstract design/pattern. Dots, zig zags, swirls, you name it - you can really do anything here. I used Nar's original design as a reference point, but also did my own thing.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art
Black and white intricate abstract nail art

I used several detail brushes, mainly because my brushes are dying and I kept getting frustrated. But it was my Pure Color Glamor #1 that allowed me to fill in the different sections with fine details. I got it from Stylish Nail Art Shop on Etsy. I finished with KBShimmer Clearly On Top and Essie Matte About You.

Black and white intricate abstract nail art (detail)
Black and white intricate abstract nail art (detail)

Final Thoughts:

I feel like I could do more designs like this. As much as I love Nar's work, I want to do my own thing, take this look as a starting point for other obsessive-compulsive intricate line designs.

What do you think of this?



  1. These look amazing! What detail.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I'm really happy with how the details turned out. :)

  2. this nailart is a real masterpiece! adore it!

    1. Thanks so much! That's very sweet, thanks! <3

  3. This is insane! I would say you outdid yourself, I think I like these even better than last year's!

  4. Wow! These are absolutely stunning! The details! Wow!


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